Can you describe your restaurant's concept?
Sure. Our concept is to offer authentic Japanese sushi at a competitive price.
I see. Some people say conveyor belt sushi restaurants don't offer high-quality sushi.
Right. But, we want everyone to think twice about conveyor belt sushi.
What do you mean by that?
We are proud to serve customers affordable, high-quality sushi.
I'm glad to hear that. It seems like you really care about your customers.
describe イメージを伝える
explain 理由を説明する
clue クルー n)手がかり v)情報を提供する
show 見せて示す
serve (飲食物を出す)仕える、(務める)奉仕する
Breakfast is served between 9:00 and 11:00 in this hotel.
She has served in the army for more than 20 years.
serve up 飲食物をUPする(出す、食卓に並べる)
Could you help me serve up the pizza?
Our organization serves up meals for the homeless.
offer 進んで差し出す
The company offered me a fantastic position.(人・物)
The company offered a fantastic position to me.(物・to人)
provide 必要なものを予想し、前もって準備すること ※toは口語 forは文語ビジネス向き
The language school provides students with good meals.(人with物)
The language school provides good meals to/for students.(物to/for人)
supply 補充する ※supplementは不足しがちな栄養素を補充する
Cows supply us with milk.(人・with物)
Cows supply milk to us.(物・to人)
We have to conserve out limited water supply.
conserve コンサ-ヴ V)(自然文化などを)保護する、(エネルギーなどを)節約する
authentic 本物の
a competitive price 競争力のある価格
think twice 再考する
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