appeal to ...の興味を引く、...を引きつける
The idea of living in a retirement community doesn't appeal to them.
The idea of working there really appeals to me. It's a fast growing company with many female executives.
That neighborhood doesn't appeal to me. There aren't enough shops and the express train doesn't stop at the local station.
These items appeal to children.
Living in the city center can be very appealing to young people.
The idea of becoming/working in the construction's field appealed to my sense.
Camping appeal to the inner child in all of us.
There were so may appealing choices where I should live.
I could say, Tokyoites find appealing about the small house lifestyles.
inner child 内なる子ども
retirement community/village 退職(高齢)者の向けの居住地区
executive イクゼ キュティヴ n)重役、経営幹部 adj)重役向きの、高級な
neighborhood ネイバーフッド n)近所、近隣、近所の人々、地域
appealing adj)魅力的な、興味を引く
This is a very appealing neighborhood. Lots of family-friendly facilities and beautiful shops.
lush greenery/lushly green
lush/lushly ラ ッシュ adj)<直物が>青々と茂った
greenery グリーナリー n)緑の草木
I'm originally from Tokyo, but there is a lot of greenery in my neighborhood. So It's comfortable place to live.
rich in nature 自然が豊か
I wonder I would live in a small village rich in nature.
I like hiking. mountain is rich in nature.
home-based care service 在宅ケアサービス
home-based business=home business 自宅でできる仕事
home-based adj)自宅でやる
Care service that is primarily provided in the home. Likewise, a person could have a home-based consulting business, so they work out of their house. Or, a home-based bakery.
primarily プライマリー adv)第一に、初めは、主に、
likewise ライクワイズ adv)同じく、さらに
care worker 介護士、世話人
A father may turn his back on his child,
brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies,
husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands.
But a mother's love ensures through all.
-Washington Irving(American short story writer)
inveterate インヴェテレット adj)根深い、凝り固まった、常習的な
enemy エナミ- 複)enemies 敵、かたき
desert デザ-ト v)うち捨てる、逃げる、逃亡する adj)砂漠のような、寂しい
ensures インシュアー インショアー v)確実にする、保証する、守る
through スルー 前)adv)...を通り抜けて
quote クオウトゥ v)(本・作家などから)引用する n)引用語句
unquote アン クオウトゥ v)引用を終わる、かっことじ
quote unquote かっこつきの、いわゆる、あなたの言うところの
-ワシントン・アーヴィング(アメリカの短編作家, 1783-1859)
Jun 10, 2020
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