
To be prepared is half the victory

rat race 激しい出世(生存)競争

I'm never interested in the rat race.
Tired of the rat race, he quit his job and moved to ...
Welcome to the Rat Race folks-

bean counter   会計士や経理担当者(口語)

bean counter ビーィン カウンター 財務屋、経理屋
Sometimes I become/turn into a bean counter as making an estimate of cost.

deal with it  「とにかくやりなさい」と相手に促す

deal with; handle; address; take care of
He will deal with the complains from our customers.
I'll deal with the computer problems on Monday.

a growing appreciation for/of...   ...の評価の高まり

appreciation アプリシイション n)感謝の気持ち、よさを理解すること
If we demonstrate our gratitude, our indebtedness, we show our appreciation. For example, "The company gave Paul a bonus to show its appreciation for his hard work".
demonstrateモンストレイト v)明確に示す、表す
gratitude グティチュード n)感謝の念
indebtedness インディットネス n)恩義
Today there's a growing appreciation for old folk houses.

To be prepared is half the victory 準備していれば半ば勝ったも同然である

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