
Campaign speech

People listen to a stump speech by a candidate running in the July 5 Tokyo gubernatorial election in the Japanese capital on Saturday, the first weekend since campaigning officially kicked off. (Japan Today)
stumpンプ n)選挙の演説の演壇、遊説
candidate キャンディデイト n)候補者
gubernatorial グバァナリアル n)州知事
campaign キャンイン n)選挙戦、運動、軍事行動 v)選挙運動する、従軍する

Things are complicated.
Campaign speech looks like music events, I mean many people get together as there is no social distancing.
I was thinking that social distancing was still a thing.

Today, it's not too hot, not too cold. It's nice weather.
comfortable weather/climate  climate ィミット n)気候
Today, the weather is easy to live in.

Rice has a lot of carbs.
Before a race I eat plenty of carbs.
carb カ-ブ n)炭水化物  = carbohydrate カーボイドレイト

Be vs Being
The boy is naughty. 少年は(いつも)やんちゃだ
The boy is being naughty. 少年(の今のふるまい)はやんちゃだ(+being:一時的)
naughty ノーディ adj)やんちゃな
You are rude.
You are being a rude.
He is a smatass.
He is being a smartass.
smartass スマー(ト)ス  俗)知ったかぶりをする人、人々を怒らす人
I was (being) careful when I drove.
Jack is (being) stupid.
Stacy is (being) lazy.

Nevertheless, I think...
A: Next on the agenda is the grant for the community park. One of the proposals is to build a play area.
B: That's good idea.
A: It would take up a lot of the grant money, though.
B: I agree that it'll be expensive. Nevertheless, I think the park needs to be attractive to young children and parents. or we won't get enough local support.  
agenda ジェンダ n)議題、政策
grant グ-ント n)許可、補助金、奨学金 v)(許可などを)与える
proposal プロ-ウ ザル n)提案
I agree that a paddling pool would be popular. Nevertheless, I don't think we can justify the maintenance costs.
a paddling pool 幼児用プール  
paddle パァドル n)カヌーなどの櫂(かい) v)かいで漕ぐ、手足をパチャパチャ動かす
justify ジャスティファイ v)正当化する

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