

solstice  ル スティス  n)太陽の至点

the winter solstice 冬至
midwinter 冬の中間点
the shortest day 陽が最も短い日



It’s starting to rain

It’s started raining

It started raining


とても(≠ very)


very cold
rather cold

very small town とても小さい町(veryのほうが強い強調)
rather small town とても小さい町(よくないことを表現・どちらかといえば)


to try my luck

I will enter Nagano Marathon to try my luck.


~がなければ ..... だ(仮定法)

If it wasn't/weren't for ~ ,    would/should

(wasn't より weren't の方がフォーマル)

I'm not sure about that. It's quite a long time ago. But one thing is sure. If it wasn't for music such as The Beatles and The Rolling Stones things like that, I wouldn't be interested to study English at all.

If it wasn't for earthquakes, Japan should be a better place.

But for ~, Without ~, Except ~

(Without が日常会話的)

Without heavy traffic jam, It would take about 40 minutes driving.

traffic jam 交通渋滞
crowding 人の渋滞


monotony  トニー  n)単調さ・変化のなさ

boring lack of variety
doing the same things everyday

I go abroad to relieve the monotony of everyday life.

I speak English to relieve the monotony of Japanese life.


How was your day today?


Tim Hortons


Tim Hortons ィム ーティンズ
Timmies ティ ミーズ

Many Canadians love to consume.
Timmies is the most popular coffee shop in Canada.
It's our nationwide chain of coffee shops.
The reason it is called Tim Hortons is because it was founded by a Canadian hocky player named Tim Horton, very Canadian.

When you go to Timmies, the drink of choice for many Canadians is a "Double Double".
A "Double Double" is when you get your coffee with two cream and two sugar.
Many Canucks have to go to Timmies to get their "Double Double" in the morning.

consume コン ス-ム v)消費する、飲食する


Change Jobs

Oh, let me ask you something about change jobs.
Actually, a friend of mine is going to leave her company next month.
So, how long before leaving the company do you need to tell the boss?

change jobs 転職
get a new job 新しい仕事を手に入れる
resignation  レ ズィグ イション n)辞職
start working for a new company

Quit (インフォーマル・カジュアルで多少消極的なニュアンス・諦めるニュアンス)
Leave (ナチュラル) 

Maple Syrup

When it comes to maple syrup,
A Canuck said to me. They eat Pizza to put some maple syrup on top.
maple  イ プル  n)カエデ・モミジ
syrup シィ ロップ n)シロップ・みつ
to put/add/place/sprinkle/dust
place v)置く、入れる、位置づける
sprinkle スプン クル v)ぱらぱらとまく・振りかける
dust  v)ほこりを払う、粉などを振りかける

Canada is one of the countries that I want to go to.

Which city are you from?
Are you from west or east?
I like hiking.
Do you have any recommendations of places to go hiking around there?

Where would you recommend?
Where is the best place?

The Rocky Mountains
The Rockies are in the western area of Canada.
Vancouver ヴァン ク-ヴァー /British Columbia (BC)
Calgary ル ガァリー /Alberta アル ァータ

Niagara Falls ナイグラ フォールズ
In the eastern area of Canada, we also have one of Canada's most popular tourist destinations and this is Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is also in Ontario.
Torontoント (Most native speakers just say Trono ノ)/Ontario オン リオ
Montreal  ント リ オー /Quebec ク ベッ

Give comment/feedback to me

giving relevant answers to the questions
relevant レ ヴァント  adj)適切な


What was your impression of Japan in comparison to what you expected?

ーYou know. About 20 years ago, the Internet was not advanced as it is today. So maybe if it was today, I would just look up Japan on the Internet and learn about it. But at that time, I had no real visual what Japan was. Except my friends told me, it was fantastic, interesting, good food, people were nice, and that kind of things. But had no real image. When I got here, I just found it, so fascinating, so interesting, so different things from Canada. Particularly, ok, go to a place like Shinzyuku which has more lights than Las Vegas lol. But then, with all the technology, all the lights, all the...so futuristic. But you go down one little, a tiny street. And there is a 3rd generation Kimono shop, and it feels like time has stood still. Traditional Japan and modern Japan have existed. In reality I found it effortlessly. I found very very impressive and that's why made me fall in love with Japan.

A mixture, old and new, in a way. and then you came across Rakugo at the performance restaurant in Yokohama. You fell in love with Rakugo. But falling in love with Rakugo and becoming a Rakugo storyteller are two very different things. What made you decide to become a Rakugo storyteller? 

ーWell, it was really an immediate decision. When I first thought Rakugo, I have been here for five years. So, I can speak and understand some Japanese. Otherwise, I don't think Rakugo is very exciting. You know, Kaguki, there are dancing, beautiful costume and many things, you can enjoy without understanding language. But Rakugo, if you don't understand, it's not so interesting. It's actual. It's comical. It's traditional, everything I had done even before I came to Japan when I was doing at the theater. It was the comic theater. It was the traditional Greel theater. So, Rakugo seemed to contain everything that I have been living for. And interesting in up to that point. So, it was really an immediate decision. Now, this is what I was born to do. 

comparison コン パァ リソン  n)比較
advanced アド ヴァンスト   adj)前進した・先進的な・進んだ
as it is today  こんにちほど・こんにちのように
visual  ヴィジュ アル  adj)視覚による  n)映像・視覚素材、ビジュアル
effortlessly   フォーァト レスリィー adv)楽々と=easy
effort  フ フォーァト  n)努力
endeavor  エン ヴァー  n)努力(フォーマル)
exertion イグ ザァーション  n)さらに大変な努力
make an effort/endeavor
make exertions
fascinate  ファ-スィ ネイト  v)魅了する
futuristic  フューチャー スティック adj)未来を先取りした・超現代的な、未来派の
stand still  とまっている・じっとしている


in a way  ある意味
come across  ふと見つける・出くわす  
immediateミ-ディエット n)即座の・すぐの
actual  クチャル  adj)実在の・現実の
comical  コ ミカル  adj)こっけいな・おかしい、喜劇の

2022 Dec 8



The contemporary city
contemporary  コンンポラァリー  adj)現代の

Sample the street food
For an authentic taste of Hanoi, look to the street kitchens of the Old Quarter.
sample   サァンプル  n)サンプル v)試しに体験/試食する


be spoilt for choice

be spoilt for choice


It comes to food in Japan, you'll certainly be spoilt for choice, but don't miss the fantastic Tonkatsu dish.
certainly サ-ァ トゥンリー  adv)確実に・きっと・間違いなく、もちろん・その通りです
spoil   スポイル   v) だめにする⇒人を甘やかす
spoil - spoilt - spoilt 

It comes to hobbies of mine. I'm spoilt for choice (迷うほど沢山ある)
, such as running, swimming, cycling and mountain hike, also eating lol. 
Food Choices
It makes for a wide variety of food choices there.

These trees are handed/exported/given from one country as a token/sign/pledge/mark of their friendship.
It's a gift.
The project is a symbol of the friendship between the two countries Vietnam - Slovakia.
Peace, friendship and cooperation are what people should aim for.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the China - Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.
token  ト-クン n)乗物・ゲーム機なのどメダル(トークン)、しるし・証拠・象徴・記念品
pledge プレッジ  n)堅い約束・誓約、しるし・証拠
mark マ-ァク n)痕跡、あざ、印
cooperation   コウ オペイション  n)協力・協調

... is the destination of choice for ...

Shibuya is the destination of choice for fashion and food lovers alike.
alike  ア イク  adv)同じように、等しく

Hakone is the destination of choice for Onsen lovers and mountain hikers alike.

Chinese food

Chinese food is the right choice for any time for any day.



numb  ァム   adj)《身体の一部が》感覚を失った


It's so freezing cold today.
I can see my breath.
My hands are numb. (My hands are freezing cold)


Talk about Movies

"Cry Freedom" British one, in the late 80's is one of the great movies I've ever seen. It's a movie starring Denzel Washington and Kevin kline.


And also,I love action movies such as 

n the early 80's

他の話題から"movies"に移った ~もまた・~も同様に
I used to watch lots of movies too.
I also used to watch lots of movies as well.
I used to watch lots of movies as well.

I like nonfiction period dramas about great people who left their mark on society.
Their stories in the face of hardships are both inspiring and motivational.
ーindeed, they give us wisdom to live in today's uncertain times also I love to get a glimpse of people’s lives through the clothes they wear as well as their surroundings.

nonfiction ノ-ン フィクション n)ノンフィクション・ノンフィクション作品
period ピリエッド n)ひと区切り・期間・時期・時代・周期 adj)ある時代の
drama  ドラマ n)劇・ドラマ
period dramas  時代劇・年代物ドラマ
mark マ-ァク n)痕跡影響、あざ、印、標識
face  フェイス n)顔、正面、表面、側面
in the face of  ~の前で、~に直面して、(困難問題)をものともせず、~にもかかわらず
hardship ハ-アドシップ  n)苦難・苦労 
inspiring イン スパァィアリング  adj)ふるい立たせる、刺激的な
motivational モウチヴェイショナル adj)動機づけの、モチベーションが上がる
indeed インディ-ド adv)本当に・実に・まったく・確かに   in+deed
deed  ディ-ド  n)行為・偉業・実行・事実 
wisdom ゥィズダム n)賢明・分別・知恵
uncertain アン サーァトゥン   adj)不確実な・確信がない・はっきりしない・ぼんやりした
glimpse グリンプス   v)ちらっと見る n)ちらっと見る事
lives ラァイヴス   n) life の複数形
as well as = and   同様に
surroundings   ラウンディングス n)取り巻く環境・状況
surrounding   adj)取り囲む・周囲の



a purebred Persian cat
a ragdoll cat    

she slept on the other intern's lap.

rag doll ラグ ドール  n)ぬいぐるみ
lap ラァ ップ n)ひざ・着席時の腰から膝がしらまでの部分


plural  プルーラァル  adj)複数の・2つ以上の

plural nouns


singular シィ ンギュラーァ  adj) 単数の・1つだけの

singular nouns  単数名詞
noun ナァウン  n)名詞



 intern インターァン  

n)実習生・見習い v)インターンとして勤務する・研修する

an intern


preference  プファレンス  n)好み・ひいき

movie preferences



go to the chiro

go to the doctor と同じ

chiro-  「手」の意
osteopathic physician
bodywork therapist

osteopathic オスティオスィック adj)整体の
physician フィズィシャン n)悩みなどを癒す人、救済者、医者


To reset my pelvic bone

Last night, I went see a chiropractor to reset my pelvic bone.
pelvic ペルヴィック adj)骨盤の


Every time .../whenever ...

Every time/Whenever I hydrate, my bottles get/become gradually lighter.
My bottles get/become gradually lighter, every time/whenever I hydrate.

Every time I have eaten a lot, Tonkatu Cuisine is the best choice.





強調の "rather" は同じ強調の "very" にはない対比の気持ちが隠れている

This soup is rather tasteless. 

would rather


Let's go to a cafe and talk about it.
I'd rather take a walk somewhere.

rather than

Cloud we hold the meeting on Friday rather than Tuesday.
hold the meeting 会議を開く
I would rather have lots of friends than lots o money.

not A but rather B

The problem is not a lack of intelligence but rather a lack of motivation.




This soup is rather tasteless.

I heard you ...

I heard you snoring in the theater.
snore  スーア  v)いびきをかく n)いびき


be/go/get there by bike

I'll go there by bike.
Do you think I can get there by bike?



Is there someone else?

Is there someone else on the team who are going to run the marathon?



The payment is due tomorrow.
The dead line for ... is tomorrow at 5pm.

The report is due tomorrow.
The submission date is tomorrow.
The deadline for submission is tomorrow.
The deadline for handing it in is tomorrow.
This is due to be handed in by tomorrow.

You must finish this report by the deadline.
The expiration date of my passport is June next year.

The due date is tomorrow.

expiration/expiry date
 The expiration date for the coupon is tomorrow.

due  デュ-ゥ adj)支払われるべき、予定の期日になって、期限・納期の
due to...   ...のため

due date/deadline 締切
 When will you finish that project?
   I don't know, when is the due date?
   Till January.
   Ok, no problem.



I fell asleep.

fall-fell-fallen v)落ちる、下がる、倒れる
fall asleep 寝におちる、眠り込むイメージ
asleepスリープ adv)眠って ⇔ awake

I was so exhausted that I fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

fall ill  病気になる


my kind of ... /my taste

This is just my kind of movie.
This movie is my taste.
This is your kind of food, isn't it?
It’s not my kind of place. it's too crowded/busy.


construction site/worksite

It's not a big deal but I just wanna tell you.
Awesome, I found just my kind of the Tonkastu restaurant close to worksite in Sumida district today.



be/work/stare/spend/sit/not left/on the computer/stuck/glued/married

I was on the computer the whole day today.
I have been on the computer for the whole day today at work.
I've been working on the computer all day.
I've been on my PC, working throughout the day.
I stared at the computer screen all day.
I had a staring contest with my computer screen all day today.
I spent the whole day on the computer.
I sat in front of the computer all day.
I have not left my computer screen all day.
I was stuck to the computer all day.
I have been glued to my computer screen all day. 
I am married to my computer.

throughout スルーウト  前・adj)~のすみからすみまで、~の間じゅう
glue  グル-ゥ  n)接着剤 v)接着する、(受身で)ぴったりくっつく
marry メェ-リー v)結婚する・させる


There are some benefits. To recover from fatigue.
recoverヴァ- v)回復する・取り戻す
recoveryヴァリー  n)回復
fatigue  ファティーグ n)激しい疲れ・疲労 


leave something up to someone

I leave the place up to them.

I leave this up to you to decide.



Is that OK/alright (with you)?
Would that be OK (with you)?

"sorry to" と "sorry for"

"to" は今、"for"は過去に起こっていることに対して

Sorry to keep you all waiting. 
   To be sorry to + infinitive = to apologize for a present action
   I will let you wait after I say this

Sorry for keeping you all waiting.  
   To be sorry for + verb with -ing = to apologize for a past/earlier action
   I let you wait before I say this

I'm sorry to hear that. (今聞いて)お気の毒に
I'm sorry to interrupt but could you come with me for a second?
I'm sorry for lying to you, I won't do it again. 


"a few" と "few"

 a few 少し(少しはあるというポジティブなニュアンス)

few ほとんどない(ほとんどないというネガティブなニュアンス)
Only few left in the fridge.


You are not what you used to be.


Best wishes on your new life.


get together/get-together 

we get together on 23 Dec.
The get-together is going to be held there.




someone else

Asking someone else is a good idea.


What are you gonna do for tomorrow?



hot and sexy


I'll think about how to contact them smoothly.

Everything is running smoothly.


Have a good sleep.

Tomorrow, I'll sleep tight and work for a little bit.

I was able to catch up on some sleep.
I need to catch up om my sleep/study/homework/housework.

I track my sleep with this app.
I use this app to track my sleep.


take a bath to warm up


For tomorrow, the ticket drawing for Yokohama triathlon will be released.
As for me, participation for the race is almost guaranteed by Nas.
As I told you before, Nas that is the gym I belong to is one of the sponsors.
But I believe you will be able to participate in the race as you ARE woman.



The clear sky after the rain feels good today.



That sounds great. Let's go ahead with it.
That will be a big help.


That's too bad. (NAm)
It's/That's a shame.  (Br)
That's disappointing.



soda (NAm)・ fizzy drink  (Br)

fizzy フィ ズィィ  adj)泡立つ・発泡性の

Cola is the fizziest by far/by a long way.

feel free to...


Good afternoon, how are you feeling?
It's about Biscuit's website.
I thought you've already seen the attendance sheet for the event that is going to be held on the day before "Shonan Marathon".
Amazingly enough, a lot of members are going to run there.
So, I commented that "Why don't we get together to have a drink after the race?". 
I guess it's a good chance to see all.
Do you have any members that you feel free to contact with? 

attendance sheet

surprisingly/to my surprise/surprisingly enough(意外にも・十分に驚いたことに)
Amazingly enough/unexpectedly

I don't know anyone but Tsan and Osan.
I'm not sure, Tsan has a lot of connections in biscuits, but he is easy to talk.
Let us ask him at first. Will you?
Thank you. I appreciate it.

That will be a big help.
Let's go ahead with it.



I'm gonna go to bed now.
I'll go to bed soon.
I should go to bed now.
It's about time to go to bed.
It's time to go to bed.

そろそろ(It's about)
It's about the race event of Mt Ooyama in Isehara City that I told you before.
It's about time to enter the race through Runnet. 




It's actually about the ... that I told you before/last time.

As I told you before, ...
I think I've told you before, but...

Day break
Early riser
Spare moment すきま時間

In good condition
Daily habits

Round jogging to the bank/gym

Exercise bike

Lifting weights to the music 

Up Kick

It's likely to rain

Did you have a full breakfast today?
It's likely to rain on 23rd again.

What you wanna tell me?

Way to go, Hana.
You did it 10K running today, despite you ran 30K yesterday.
Have a good rest for your body. 

Today's meal is stir-fried rice, spaghetti, deep fried whitefish with tartar sauce and miso soup with daikon radish & konnyaku.
Also having fried spinach, simmered squash to recover from tiredness.
Fruit is Japanese persimmon after the meal.
tartar sauce

My stomach is already full.
(I'm full stomach. ↑身体の部位を主語にするのが普通)

I hope you will get better soon.
Take care of yourself.

radish ラディッシュ n)[原義は「根」]ダイコン
spinach スピニッチ n)ほうれん草
simmer シィ  マァ-  v)ことこと煮る(⇒boil)
boil イル v)沸かす・煮る
squash スクワッ シュ  v)押しつぶす n)押しつぶすこと、かぼちゃ
tiredness タイ アード ネス n)疲れ
persimmon パァ メン  n)カキ 日本の柿は Japanese persimmon


Well done
Good job
You did it  やったね
You made it やったね
You did great
I'm proud of you 相手を讃えて誇らしいよ
Way to go その調子だ
That's impressive. 素晴らしい
 I'm very impressed with your hard work.


break 息抜き
take/have a break
   Let us take a break/summer break/break time/break room/bathroom break トイレ休憩/a little break/short break/quick break/common room/
common  メン adj)共通の、ありふれた
lounge ラァウンジ n)待合室・ロビー・休憩室

recess 学校の休み時間≠break
pause 小休止

rest 休息(疲れた時に取る長めの休息)
have some rest/rest room=トイレ/resting room=休憩室
I think you need to get some rest.

interval スポーツ中の休憩(練習の合間)
5-minutes interval

get some fresh air/grab some coffee
I'm on my break now.
I take a day off today to let my body rest.


some conditions


I really enjoy picking up Tonkatsu Cuisine.
You are already aware of this, but there are some conditions when I pick the place.

Here is some conditions for choosing the place.
Be open without a gap in their opening hours.
Free refill for rice, miso soup and fresh sliced cabbage.
And so on.

After the workout tomorrow, I'm planning to go get the restaurant directly.
The place is located in Kawaguchi City.
We can go there on the subway.
Just next station from Akabane-Iwabuchi Sta.
After the enormous lunch, your bath is ready.
Is that OK?


enter v)エントリーする
entry n)エントリー

sign up for 申し込む


get one's energy back


You remind me. The deadline for running tomorrow along the riverside might be 5 PM.
Today I couldn't wake up on time. I was really tired in the morning, but I feel getting much better now. I think swimming is good for getting our energy back. 

I'm happy to hear that. Anyway, just wanna tell you, now I signed up for a 30K UP-RUN event in Akabane for tomorrow. Can we meet at JR Akabane station North Gate/Exit at 9 am tomorrow? (The start time is 10 am for 30K) JR is faster than subways, even though subway station is closer.

To accommodate your request, tomorrow we gonna go with Tonkatsu Restaurant.
go with ...  ~によく合う、~を選ぶ(=pick/choose)、~に同調する、~に身をまかせる
accommodateモデイト v)[...に適させる]もてなす、適応させる、受け入れる


the sudden request


Sounds good to me, especially all-you-can-eat there.
Do you think it's about time to reveal my secret as a big eater?
Let me think about it.

Anyway, that's too sudden, I guess, but no need to rush. We have plenty of time until then
Speaking of the minimum number of the party after the race, as you mentioned, she will probably get it done somehow. Don't worry about it. You can check it out on her post of Facebook.

somehow ム ハウ  adv) どうにかして・なんとかして

You know what, not many people would participate in the Christmas event, just like "ocean swim" in Hayama and "mile reray" in Shibu-kita, but it turned out that both events got unexpectedly plenty of guests lol. Now I'm thinking about supporting her, but it's not too late to get more information since we gonna see her or our mates tomorrow morning.

I almost forgot! Now, I've completed the payment for the Himeji Marathon. Phew!

You feel good, Hana?
I've decided to take part in the Christmas event to get them excited for the race, or rather the party of all-you-can-eat, and also not to enter the race of Mt Nokogiri. Is it alright with you?

If so, until noon today, we have to text on her post in FB and also enter the race of solo 20K without the party through the website of Runnet until midnight. You got it?

It's about .../By the way

Are you gonna run there?
Do you wanna run there?

By the way...
btwを使わないで It's about... で話題を変えることができる
It's about your swimsuits/swimwear you left.
Now I remember that you left swimsuits. Did you get/take it back?



When you go back to your hometown, what do you want to eat first?

When you go back to your hometown, what do you want to do first?

I'm gonna go home first, and then I'll meet you afterwards.
afterward/afterwards フタァー ワード adv)後で、その後

plenty of ...

plenty of + 可算名詞・非可算名詞どちらでもよい


【At school】
(There is) no need to hurry/rush. We have plenty of time. So, you should continue.

You should also allow yourself plenty of time to explore and enjoy your surroundings.
allow  ア ラ-ウ  v)認める、可能にする、予め見込んでおく
allow oneself to ...  あえて~する、思い切って~する
surrounding  サ アァウンディング adj)取り囲む・周囲の
surroundings  サ アァウンディングス n)環境、周囲の状況

Any questions? /Would you like some more tea?
ーNo, thank you Cleo. I've had plenty.

No need to hurry. There's plenty of time.
My dad is retired, so he's got plenty of free time.
You need to allow plenty of time to get to the airport.

Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
My bedroom gets plenty of morning sun.
The hotel room was clean and comfortable with plenty of space.

There's plenty of wildlife.


⦅週末の予定: 河川敷マラソン⦆

Round-two finished?
workin' hard or hardly workin' huh?

For this weekend, I'm planning to/on run 30K at the riverbank on Saturday, for a training as part of competing 42K. 
In addition, it seems it's going to rain/be rainy/be raining/be a rainy day on Sunday.
Check it out.

enter v)エントリーする
entry n)エントリー
a marathon competition
training n)訓練
take a training

addition  ディション  n)付加・付け足し
incidentally  インシンタリィー  adv)付随的に・ついでながら
as one of (the)...  ~のひとつとして
as part of (the)... ~の部分として

Number of cases are increasing again, so be careful.

Any day could be fine for the morning swim other than Thursday this week. I didn't go there for two weeks, and so I might go twice this week.

"other than" means "except" so I can not make it on Thursday. Sorry about that.

I see. I'll be there tomorrow.

As for/Regarding floating on the water, there aren't much different between us, or rather, you are good at floating hip. See the link below.

Thanks for sharing.
Anyways, going back to the previous topic, 
Make sure/Keep in mind to stretch your arms straight when you put your hands into the water. Try it on Friday, I will also be going on that day. 

Exhausted today?
On Friday, I have some time to spare after the swim workouts. There's no problem with taking your swimming videos. Keep in mind, turn your palms outward exaggeratedly. 

other than.../except... ~以外は
As for.../Regarding...   ~に関しては
anyways(スラング) ⇒ anyway ⇒ anyhow(フォーマル)
previous  プリ-ヴィアス  adj)以前の・前の
exhaust  イグゾースト v)出し尽くす n)排出ガス
exhausted イグゾースティッド  adj)使い尽くされた・へとへとの
eh  ィ 間)だよね?、なんだって?、そうだよね? [Canada]
huh ア 間)だよね?、なんだって?、そうだよね? [US]
spare  スアァ- v)使わずにおく adj)予備の n)予備の物
swim workout
turn  アァ-ン  n)回転する、向きを変える
palm  パァ-ム n)手のひら
outward ウトワーアァド adj)外へ、外見の
exaggerate イグジュレイト v)大げさに言う
exaggerated イグジュレイティッド adj)大げさな・誇張された



I live close to my office.
I live near my office.
near は2点間の距離が客観的に近いのに対して close は near より近いニュアンスがある

take a look at  ちょこっと見る
take a close look at   まじかにちょこっと見る

pay attention 注意を払う
pay close attention 細心の注意を払う

Come close to me. そばにおいで

close friend   親しい友人(心理的な近さ)
close relationship 親密な関係
close game   接戦

That was close.   ギリギリだったね

They seem very close. 彼らはとても親密に見えます

Don't stand so close to me.

We're brothers, but we're not that close.

ブレーキ! ああ、ギリギリだった
Break! (ブレイク) Man, that was close.

Frankie, aren't the autumn colors of these trees wonderful?
Aren't the autumn colors wonderful?

maple  イプル  n)カエデ・モミジ
maple leaves
What else can you say instead of ...?
   You can say ...



I normally like... 

movie preferences
preference プレファレンス n)好むこと

sci-fi  ファイ  n)science fiction
romantic comedies
action movies
horror movies
documentary films
drama ドラマ n)劇・ドラマ
genre ジァンラ[仏] genres n)ジャンル・種類 
movie genres

Who's in it?   誰が出てるの?
Who stars in it?   主演は誰?

muddy ディ adj)泥んこの
nun  ン n)修道女
monk ンク  n)修道士 
duke デュ- n)君主 princeの下


purebred dog
mixed breed dog
purebred ピユア ブレッド adj)純血種の
breed ブリ-ドゥ n)血統
He's part chihuahua. 彼は チワワ の一種です

retriever リト(チュ)ヴァー  n)獲物を拾ってくるよう訓練された犬
Labrador ラブ ラ  ドー n)カナダのラブ ラ  ドー半島
golden retriever -ルデン リトヴァー n)-ルデン リトヴァー
Labrador retriever
Siberia サイリア n)シベリア、遠隔の行きたくない場所
husky ハァスキー adj)殻のような、声がかすれた  n)大男、エスキモー犬
Siberian husky サイリアン ハァスキー
chihuahuaワ n)チワワ
Shiba Inu 柴犬

Golden Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Siberian Husky


I am a dog lover/person.
I am a people person.
Are you a dog guy/girl or a cat guy/girl?

He went for a walk with his dogs yesterday.
My cat hid my slipper last night.
do tricks 芸をする
hide ハァイドv)隠れる、隠す - hid ヒッドゥ - hid 
slipper/slippersパァー n)室内履き・スリッパ


You know what, I was going to run a marathon tomorrow, but online check-in, including a negative test result, two days in advance of the race is the requirement for participation. I didn't check it out at all. It's a shame.

I was going to...

I was supposed to...

be selected by the lottery


Luckly, I've been selected by the lottery for a popular half marathon.
I got the participation guide by post/mail.


side dish/prepared meal/deli foods

side dish
some side dishes

prepared food/meal/dish
ready-to-eat meal

deli foods

Last night, I went to the supermarket to get some deli foods, but there was nothing left. It's a shame.

supermarket's deli 




I went get a massage last weekend.

I am/was disappointed. 
It's disappointing.
It's a shame.   shame:とても残念の意(UK)

It's a little too soft. 

Last night, I went get a massage, but it's a shame that it's a little too soft. Depends on a chiropractor/massagist/masseur, I guess.

pity ピディ n)残念 That's a pity.

bum バァ ム    n)怠け者(口語)
bummer  マア- n)失望(口語)
bummed ムドゥ adj)がっかりした(口語)


time frame

Have you set a time frame for completing the job?
It's hard to put a time-frame on how long it will take to implement the recommendations.
complete コンプリ-ト adj)全部揃った・完全の v)全部揃える・完全にする
completing the project
implement インプルメント v)道具や手段を提供する、政策や計画を実行する

Have you set a time frame for living in Japan?


gotcha ガァチャ わかった=I got you/I have got you

What would you do if ...?

What would you do if your partner stayed out rate without telling you?
   I wouldn't make any big deal of it. Because I'll do the same thing. So basically, I just say, I was a little bit worry, but it's great to have you back home Darlin.

Welcome to Japan

Thanks for coming over.

This is a very different climate from Tokyo.
You know Tokyo is a very different climate from California.

Also, as you've might notice everything is huge in America, especially in Texas.

catch up on...


I was able to catch up on some sleep.
I need to catch up om my sleep/study/homework/housework.
Have you caught up on your reading homework?

After coming back from vacation, I have a lot of things to catch up on at work.
When you feel better, make sure you catch up on the work you missed while you were away.
We have caught up on sales this year.

We haven't seen each other in ages, so let's catch up on our each other's lives.
lives ラ-ァイヴス  n) life 生命・生活の複数形     


Many a little makes a mickle.

mickle ミクル n)たくさん・多量(スコットランド)




get a feel for/of...

get a good feel for...
get the hang of...  コツをつかむ

get it 感じをつかむ
After trying a couple of times, I'm beginning to get it. 

get an idea of...  イメージをつかむ


she is very energetic.
energetic エナァジェティック  adj)精力的な・活動的な・元気な・熱心な



If I say, with regard to circumstances...about

circumstances 周囲の状況、ことの次第

So where does Japan stand   with regard to   the coronavirus then?

Well, Japan got hit pretty hard by the BA5 omicron subvariant this summer, but total deaths still sit under 46,000, and more than 80% of the country has received at least two vaccinations, and more than 65% have received the booster. And the fourth shot, another booster, is being rolled out now. Also, the Japanese are still using hand sanitizer before they enter shops, and they're still masking.

stand v)立っている、(...の状態に)立つ、(つらいことに)立ち向かう
stand with〈人を〉賛成・支持する
with/in regard to... ...に関して
regard ゥリガァ-ドゥ  v)関心をもって見守る・じっと見守る n)注視・関心・配慮・尊重
then あのその時、次に、その結果
get hit by...   ...に見舞われる・打撃を受ける
sub- ブ 接頭辞)下・下位・副・やや・半 ⇔ super-
variant ヴェァリアント n)異なるもの・異形 adj)変化しやすい
sit v)じっと座っている→変化しない
the country 国家に属する全ての人々・国民
booster ブ-スタァー n)後押しする人、電気のブースター
roll-ウル v)転がる
rolled out n)のたうつ・地面に転がり苦しみもがく
sanitizer ニタイザー n)消毒剤


What are the requirements for to be an English teacher?

What are the requirements for getting into Japan now?
   I guess you have to be vaccinated with three shots: That's two vaccinations of the initial round and also a booster shot. So if you don't have that proof of vaccination, then you need to submit a pre-departure or pre-arrival PCR testing, that you need to take within 72 hours before you fly into Japan. Also, you still need to download the MySOS app, which basically smooths this process a bit for entry.
requirement リクイアメントゥ n)要求されること


Don't you think it would be better to/if...

Don't you think...

Don't you think it would be better to put a big table in the middle.

Don't you think it would be better to upset them.

Don't you think it would be better if training included success stories.

I think it would be better if we talk in private in my office.

Don't you think it would be better if you kept it?

I think it would be better if the husband were no longer estranged.
estrange イス トレインジ v)離れさせる、疎遠にする
estranged イス トレインジトゥ adj)別居している



put in work

put in 注ぎ込む⇒頑張る

put in more work  もっと頑張って
put in more effort もっと努力して
You should put more effort in.
The team put in a lot of work on this project.
They're putting the clothes in the laundry machine.

To "put yourself in someone else's shoes" is to imagine in their situation.
"put yourself in someone else's shoes"とは、その人の立場になって考えることだ

Some have put picnic tables in the green spaces, while others have put in gardens.

work/try/study hard

do one's best

give it one's all/best shot

I'm gonna give it my best shot. 

Just give it your best shot. 

I just want you guys give it your all. 

I didn't win the race, but I gave it my all. 

We broke up, but I gave it my all.

I failed to become a lawyer, but I gave it my all.

give 与える⇒尽くす
it それ⇒話していた事


make an effort 使役動詞を使う⇒少し改まった感覚


South Africa

Germany is a place where many cultures meet, becoming the second country in the world with the most migration, and the difficulties that the country goes through in this process of becoming a fully intercultural country.

On the other hand, 
Japan is thought of as a racially homogeneous nation.

Anything interesting discoveries about Japan?


early riser/bird


I was able to take part in the race 3 times last month.
A triathlon, a half marathon and a full marathon.

was/were able to と could の違い

We use could for general ability. But if you want to say that somebody did something in a specific situation, use was/were able to or managed to (not could)


Once again, 


weak/weaker yen ⇔ strong

Before my introduction,
let me ask you something about weak Japanese yen but also the cost of living is getting higher.
I’m a little bit warried about people working in Japan.
Do you get paid in dollars or Japanese yen?



Dawn ダ-ン n)夜明け
daybreak デェイ ブレイク n)夜明け

There is a chill in the air. 
chill チ ル  n)肌寒さ
chilly チ リーィ adj)肌寒い


支払われる(金銭受領):get paid/be paid

Football coach loses job but keeps getting paid.
Coach was fired earlier this month, but he's still going to be paid for several more years. 

Do you get paid in dollars or yen?  給料はドル、円?


息子:(the) oldest/eldest child
my boy
little boy
My son turned 18 years old this month.
will turn...   ...才になる
turned ... ...才になった
My son is in his early/late teens/twenties. 息子は10/20代前/後半です
I have a grown-up son. 私には成人した息子がいます

息子:(the) middle child/second oldest son

娘:my daughter/my youngest child/my baby/little baby/little one/my girl

My youngest kid, daughter, is taking ballet lessons on the recommendation of her mother. but I'm not a big fun of that.



rice bowl with assorted raw seafood on top

assorted ソ-ティッドゥ adj)各種の・さまざまな・とりどりの・盛り合わせの
a bowl of rice with sashimi on top
seafood/sashimi don
a rice dish with sashimi/raw fish
assorted raw seafood dish
assorted seafood rice bowl


massage  マ サァージ n)あんま・指圧

get/have/receive a massage
I want to go get a massage first. 先にマッサージを受けたい

Getting a massage feels good.
I felt better after I got a massage.
Last week's massage didn't work at all, maybe I should go to a chiropractor.

chiropractic カイロフラクティック n)整体治療
chiropractor イロプラクタァ- n)カイロプラクター・整体治療師

massagist n)マッサージ師
masseurァ- n)男性マッサージ師[仏]
masseuse マス-ス n)女性マッサージ師[仏]


color sample/swatch

look at the color samples
show me the color samples
choose from hundreds of color swatches

be delivered
get color samples delivered
The package arrived/is delivered.
I get an item delivered.

swatch スゥッチ n)材料見本
package パァ ケージ n)小荷物
item イテム n)項目・品目⇒商品



prepare well 準備よく
before the task 仕事前に
The point is to prepare well before the task.


make arrangement 手配・支度する
ahead of time 前もって
I have to make arrangement ahead of time for my tasks.


take steps 処置(手段)する


make a plan