Number of cases are increasing again, so be careful.
Any day could be fine for the morning swim other than Thursday this week. I didn't go there for two weeks, and so I might go twice this week.
"other than" means "except" so I can not make it on Thursday. Sorry about that.
I see. I'll be there tomorrow.
As for/Regarding floating on the water, there aren't much different between us, or rather, you are good at floating hip. See the link below.
Thanks for sharing.
Anyways, going back to the previous topic,
Make sure/Keep in mind to stretch your arms straight when you put your hands into the water. Try it on Friday, I will also be going on that day.
Exhausted today?
On Friday, I have some time to spare after the swim workouts. There's no problem with taking your swimming videos. Keep in mind, turn your palms outward exaggeratedly.
other than.../except... ~以外は
As for.../Regarding... ~に関しては
anyways(スラング) ⇒ anyway ⇒ anyhow(フォーマル)
previous プリ-ヴィアス adj)以前の・前の
exhaust イグゾースト v)出し尽くす n)排出ガス
exhausted イグゾースティッド adj)使い尽くされた・へとへとの
eh エィ 間)だよね?、なんだって?、そうだよね? [Canada]
huh ハア 間)だよね?、なんだって?、そうだよね? [US]
spare スペアァ- v)使わずにおく adj)予備の n)予備の物
swim workout
turn タアァ-ン n)回転する、向きを変える
palm パァ-ム n)手のひら
outward アウトワーアァド adj)外へ、外見の
exaggerate イグザジュレイト v)大げさに言う
exaggerated イグザジュレイティッド adj)大げさな・誇張された