
grow up in... ...で育つ

I don't think we've met before. My name is Z.

Tell me about yourself?

Well, I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia.  be raised in... ...で育てられる

(I grew up/was born and raised in Sydney) 

and moved to Yokohama about 20 years ago.

Oh, I've been to Sydney, and I really liked the beaches there.

I'm glad to hear that! Okay, your turn.

I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo.

Oh, I know about Osaka. I would like to visit someday.

Did you grow up in Sydney? Yes. But I went to university in Melbourne.

Are your parents from Nagoya, too?

No. Actually, they both grew up in Osaka.

I'm happy to see you.

Let's catch up.  catch up 最新情報について会って話す

I'm facing a busy schedule this week.


Midlife Crisis(4) 中年の危機

I follow strict exercise programs. 私は厳しい運動プログラムを実行している。

Exercise helps people stay healthy and maintain an active, independent life. 運動は健康を維持したり、活動的で自立した生活を維持する。

It's always difficult to come to term with major life events like divorce or death of a parent. いつもなかなか受け入れられない人生の大きな出来事として離婚や親の死など。come to term with...   ...を受け入れる

中年期 my midlife years / 人生の中盤 the middle stage of my life / I enjoy my midlife years as running, swimming and so on.

not necessarily 必ずしも...でない Physical decline is not necessarily inevitable consequence of reaching midlife.  inevitableヴィテブル adj)避けられない、当然の consequence ンセクエンス n)結果、結論 inevitable consequence 避けられない結果

be apt to do something  ...する傾向にある(否定的な文章が多い?)Some of employees are apt to arrive late on Mondays.  apt adj)...しがちである.



I'm feeling completely exhausted.

What are your plans for weekend?

My daughter and I participated in the local marathon event.



Aug 24
I'll say. そうですよね。(賛同の表現) 

Aug 25
I'm beat. ものすごく疲れました    
be off to...   ...へ出かける
I'm off to...
It was my pleasure. こちらこそ楽しかったです。
Thank you for taking me around. 案内してくれてありがとう。
It's been such a fun day. とっても楽しい一日でした。


How much of your daily time is spent on social media?

Scientists Discover Metal-Eating Bacteria

bacteria バクティリア n)バクテリア、細菌
feed on     phrasal) to eat something as one's usual food
phrasal フイザル adj)句の、句からなる
coated コ-ティッド  adj)  covered with a layer of something, 表面を覆った、上着を着た


Hey, Julia. Would you mind lending me a hand with this copy machine? Sure, just give me a minute. lend ント v)貸す lend-lent-lent


No New Zodiac Sign, NASA Clarifies

clarify  クアファイ  v)明らかにする、わかりやすくする、浄化・透明にする
claim  クイム  v)主張する、自分のものにするぞ
zodiac  ゾゥディアック  n)十二星座
Ophiuchus  オフューカス  n)蛇遣い座
rumor ルーゥマァ-  n)うわさ
circulate サァーキュレイト v)ひと回りする、循環する
resurface  リサァーフェス  v)再び出てくる、再び表面化する
purport  パァポート パァ-ポート  v)偽って称する、偽って主張する
cause a stir 騒ぎを起こす
stir スターァ v)かき回す
addition  アディション  n)付け足し

Keep Your Guard Up

let one's guard down 気を緩める

second wave 第2波

controversial 議論を引き起こす

insist 主張する

effectiveness 効果

decrease 減らす

transmission 伝染

significantly かなり

That's why... そんなわけで...だ

Security Guard

Hey, Ashley. Did you hear that some cities in the world have gone back into lockdown?

I did. The number of positive COVID-19 cases appeared to go down, but it started to increase again.

We shouldn't let our guard down. The impact of the second wave is said to be greater than the first.

In the U.S., masks have become controversial. Some insist that they have the right not to wear one.

Some people seem to doubt their effectiveness, but some studies show that masks decrease transmission significantly.

I didn't know they were so effective! I sometimes forget mine when I go out.

I do, too. That's why I always carry a few extra ones in my bag!

Good thinking! We all need to try and stop the spread.

Extreme Weather

devastate ヴァステイト v)荒廃させる、受身)がっかりさせられた、ひどく落ち込んだ

torrential rain 集中豪雨

extreme weather 異常気象

global warming 地球温暖化

record-breaking 記録的な

heatwave 猛暑

natural disaster 自然災害

I was devastated to see the news about the torrential rain that hit Kyushu recently.

It was scary. Extreme weather, like heavy rain causing floods, often occurs in Japan.

I think it's getting worse lately. Maybe because of global warming?

You might be right. The other day, I saw that even Siberia experienced a record-breaking heatwave.

We need to be prepared for natural disasters. This year, I've added extra masks to my emergency kit.

Local governments have hazard maps online. They show which areas are likely to flood.

Is that right? I'll check it out and prepare an emergency kit with masks.


How long have you known your husband for?

I've known my husband for about ten years.


 locust ウ カスト n)バッタ、イナゴ

plague プレイグ n)大発生、疫病


I'm devastated!
I can't attend outdoor music festivals this year.
Many summer events have been canceled or postponed.
Some will be streamed online, though.
The baseball season restarted. I watched some games on TV, but it's strange to see no spectators.
At least we can go out with friends and family now, but remember to practice social didtancing.
You're right, Z. I heard some events are requiring participants to stay apart from one another.
I went to an art show. They checked my temperature and gave me a hand sanitizer.
It's a little inconvenient, but these measures will help us manage the virus while still enjoying events.

devastate ヴァ・ステイト v)荒廃させる、受身でがっかりさせる 
postpone ポストウン v)延期する
stream スト-ム n)小川 v)流れる、流す
spectatorクテイター n)観客、観衆
manage v)なんとかやりこなす


Robocalls and Scams/8 July 2020
McMillan explains why it's better to hang up on robocalls. Ueda describes phone scams in Japan where sophisticated fraudsters prey on elderly people. Alvarez says similar scams exist in the United States. And Ueda talks about how huge sums of money are lost to such con artists every year.
prey on...  ...を餌食・食い物・犠牲にする  prey プイ  v)
scamキャム n)汚い手口・詐欺
sophisticated ソフィスティケイティッド adj)教養のある、凝った・高度な・精巧な・巧妙な


Robocalls and Scams/1 July 2020
Ueda expressed his frustration over getting many robocalls saying that he's becoming afraid to answer the phone. McMillan and Nissen sympathize with his situation, and Nissen cites statistics about how many such calls are made. He also says that some robocalls are made for good reasons. But Ueda says he mostly gets them from telemarketers.
cite サイト v)引き合いに出す、引用する
statistic スタティスティック n)統計資料


a convenient part of the city
I live in a convenient part of the city. On the other hand, the rent is high.
I'm originally from Tokyo where is a convenient part of the city.

headquarters  headquarterは複数形で 本社には多様な部署がある
Welcome to our headquarters.

It's bigger than I imagined.  想像より大きい

Our company is growing all the time.  ずっと(いつも)成長している  

23 June 2020


Traffic law to punish tailgating to go into effect Tuesday

TOKYO- A new law that imposes harsher penalties for road rage incidents will go into effect in Japan on Tuesday. The Diet enacted the law earlier this month in the wake of several high-profile fatal accidents caused by road rage.

I know a guy, calm and sweet as anything, but once in a car he changes into a crazy guy. Can't understand such a dramatic change once he's in the car. Speeding, shouting and swearing at other drivers, getting out of the car to start a fight, tailgating, the list goes on. That's what I call road rage and yes, his licence should be taken away from him before he does any damage.

tailgating イル ゲイティング n)あおり運転
impose インポ-ウズ v)強制する、押し付ける
harsh ハーァシュ adj)厳しい、過酷な (比較級:harsher) 
road rage ロ-ド レイジ n)運転手による暴力
rage イジ n)憤慨、激怒、逆上
incident ンシデント n)事故、出来事、騒動
The Diet イエット n)議会、国会
enactァクト v)法律を制定する、信念を実行する
profile プファイル n)横顔、側面、人物像
fatal フェイトル adj)命に関わる、致命的な
swearウェア v)誓う swear at ... ...をののしる


Sales quota

sales quota 販売ノルマ quota クゥオウタ  n)ノルマ、割当て
sales representative =rep 営業職  representative
I doubled my quota in my first year as a rep.

I'm afraid not. (名詞の繰り返しを避けた表現)
I'm afraid you don't get a big bonus.

You've equaled the record for exceeding the quarterly sales quota.
equal イ-クォ-ル v)等しい adj)等しい n)同等の
exceed エクシ-ド v)超過する、上回る、超える、まさる
quarterly オ-タリー adj) 4分の1,四半期の

Who do I share it with?

similarly, in the same way, likewise=ditto, equally  同じように
i doubled my quota in my first year as a rep. Similarly, you doubled your last quarter.
double ダッブル adj) 2倍の v) 2倍にする
similarly シメ(ミ)ラリー adv)同じように
quarter ウォータ n) 4分の1
ditto ディトウ adv)同様に

The two women were similarly dressed.

Smoking is bad for your health. In the same way, drinking too much can damage your health.

Likewise, all our other branches are making budget cuts.

You need to trust me. Equally, I need to trust you.

Our school has strict rules. Similarly, my parents have too.

It's been a real pleasure doing business with you. -Likewise.
22 June 2020

It could be a game changer

a game plan ゲームプラン  strategy(戦略)より身近に使われる
strategy ストテジー n)戦略 a marketing strategy
You need a game plan. Like what?(どんな?)/then what?(その次は?)

call a meeting 会議を開く、召集する

have X  Y XにYさせる
brainstorm... ブレインストームして...を引き出す
the most efficient way ...するための最も効率の良い方法
get one's projects done プロジェクトを達成する
Have them brainstorm the most efficient ways to get their projects done.

a game changer 流れを変える物事・人
It could be a game changer.

work out one's differences お互いの相違点を調整する
They may be able to work out their differences.

here's... (電話)...に代わります
Oh, here's Bill.
22 June 2020

It refers to gift

Consequently, Chugen today principally refers to gifts that individuals and businesses send from early in July to July 15th to people to whom they are indebted.
consequently コンセクエントリー adv)その結果として、したがって =as a result, therefore
principally プンシパリー adv)主に、たいてい
refer ファー v)あてはまる、差し向ける
individual インディヴュジュアル adj)個の、個人の n)個人
indebted インディット adj)恩義がある


I imagined there'd be a view of the park. I wasn't really expecting to see other people's apartments.
I thought there'd be a separate dining room. I wasn't expecting it to be part of the kitchen.
I assumed the apartment would be furnished. I didn't expect it to be empty.


Climate change will threaten global sport over the next  three decades. A report said nearly all sports would be impacted by "an accelerating climate crisis". It highlighted how the weather had already disrupted major events. Bushfires created dangerous playing conditions at the Australian Tennis Open and torrential typhoon rain disrupted last year's Rugby World Cup in Japan. Fires, floods, heatwaves and rising sea levels will cause more problems.

A researcher asked the sports industry to become carbon-neutral. He said: "Sport provides some of society's most influential role models. If sport can change how it operates to... halt the climate emergency, others will follow. "Carbon emissions from global sport are equal to those of a medium-sized country. The report author said sport should be more proactive. He said making sports carbon-neutral would bring a common-sense approach to politics.



British exit 英国離脱=Brexit ブグジット 

put an end to... ...を終わらせる
UK leaves the European Union. It's official: The United Kingdom has left the European Union, putting an end to 47 years of membership.

set up 設立する、(事業などを)はじめる
uniteイト v)一つにする、合体・統合・連合させる


get to

get to: 機会がある、できる
I will go to France this year. フランスに行くんだ(単に行く)
I (will) get to go to France this year. 行くチャンスがあるんだ(喜んでいる)
My mom said I get to use her car tonight.
You get to come with me to Las Vegas! 私と一緒にラスベガスへ行けるよ
I get to go to the concert tonight.
Do I get to eat vegetables I grow? 私が育てた野菜を食べることができるの?
can のニュアンスの文
I have a lot of money but all I get to spend is 1,000 yen a day.
get to know: 知り合いになる
I got to know him during high school. 高校時代に彼と知り合いになった


Campaign speech

People listen to a stump speech by a candidate running in the July 5 Tokyo gubernatorial election in the Japanese capital on Saturday, the first weekend since campaigning officially kicked off. (Japan Today)
stumpンプ n)選挙の演説の演壇、遊説
candidate キャンディデイト n)候補者
gubernatorial グバァナリアル n)州知事
campaign キャンイン n)選挙戦、運動、軍事行動 v)選挙運動する、従軍する

Things are complicated.
Campaign speech looks like music events, I mean many people get together as there is no social distancing.
I was thinking that social distancing was still a thing.

Today, it's not too hot, not too cold. It's nice weather.
comfortable weather/climate  climate ィミット n)気候
Today, the weather is easy to live in.

Rice has a lot of carbs.
Before a race I eat plenty of carbs.
carb カ-ブ n)炭水化物  = carbohydrate カーボイドレイト

Be vs Being
The boy is naughty. 少年は(いつも)やんちゃだ
The boy is being naughty. 少年(の今のふるまい)はやんちゃだ(+being:一時的)
naughty ノーディ adj)やんちゃな
You are rude.
You are being a rude.
He is a smatass.
He is being a smartass.
smartass スマー(ト)ス  俗)知ったかぶりをする人、人々を怒らす人
I was (being) careful when I drove.
Jack is (being) stupid.
Stacy is (being) lazy.

Nevertheless, I think...
A: Next on the agenda is the grant for the community park. One of the proposals is to build a play area.
B: That's good idea.
A: It would take up a lot of the grant money, though.
B: I agree that it'll be expensive. Nevertheless, I think the park needs to be attractive to young children and parents. or we won't get enough local support.  
agenda ジェンダ n)議題、政策
grant グ-ント n)許可、補助金、奨学金 v)(許可などを)与える
proposal プロ-ウ ザル n)提案
I agree that a paddling pool would be popular. Nevertheless, I don't think we can justify the maintenance costs.
a paddling pool 幼児用プール  
paddle パァドル n)カヌーなどの櫂(かい) v)かいで漕ぐ、手足をパチャパチャ動かす
justify ジャスティファイ v)正当化する


Describe your favorite dish

favorite フェイヴァレット (英)favourite  adj)お気に入りの

What kind of food do you like?
I really like../I enjoy.../My favorite dish is.../I'm keen on...
I really don't like.../I can't stand.../I'm not keen on...

I prefer sushi to pizza.
I'd rather eat sushi than pizza.

divine ディヴァイン adj)神の、素晴らしい(old-fashioned)
 That mango tasted divine!

rich in flavor

bland ブラァンド adj)味気ない、つまらない、単調な
This source is rather bland.

sour サワー adj)すっぱい、酸味のある、v)すっぱくなった lemon
salty/french fries
oily, greasy/cheese pizza
ripe イプ adj)



Do you have any plans for the weekend?
 (What are your plans を避ける) 


Where are you from?  を避ける
Where are you from originally?
What is your hometown like?
Where did you grow up?
Do you still have family there?
Do you come from a big family?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
How is your family?
How are your children?
What's your dog's name?

What's keeping you busy there days? 
That's interesting! How did you get involved/started with that?
How long have you been in your field?
What's the best part of your job/course?

involve インヴオーヴ v)巻き込む、参加する、関係する、取り組む、熱中する
field フィ-ルド n)草原、グラウンド、作業場、分野

Learn English with Emma "Have better conversations using the FORD method"


Can you describe your restaurant's concept?
 Sure. Our concept is to offer authentic Japanese sushi at a competitive price.
I see. Some people say conveyor belt sushi restaurants don't offer high-quality sushi.
 Right. But, we want everyone to think twice about conveyor belt sushi.
What do you mean by that?
 We are proud to serve customers affordable, high-quality sushi.
I'm glad to hear that. It seems like you really care about your customers.

describe イメージを伝える
explain   理由を説明する
clueルー  n)手がかり v)情報を提供する
show  見せて示す

serve (飲食物を出す)仕える、(務める)奉仕する
 Breakfast is served between 9:00 and 11:00 in this hotel.
   She has served in the army for more than 20 years.
 serve up 飲食物をUPする(出す、食卓に並べる)
 Could you help me serve up the pizza?
   Our organization serves up meals for the homeless.
offer 進んで差し出す
 The company offered me a fantastic position.(人・物)
   The company offered a fantastic position to me.(物・to人)
provide 必要なものを予想し、前もって準備すること ※toは口語 forは文語ビジネス向き
 The language school provides students with good meals.(人with物)
 The language school provides good meals to/for students.(物to/for人)
supply 補充する  ※supplementは不足しがちな栄養素を補充する
 Cows supply us with milk.(人・with物)
   Cows supply milk to us.(物・to人)
 We have to conserve out limited water supply.
   conserve コンサ-ヴ V)(自然文化などを)保護する、(エネルギーなどを)節約する

authentic 本物の
a competitive price 競争力のある価格
think twice 再考する


Coronavirus puts 50 million tourism jobs at risk

The coronavirus pandemic could cut up to 50 million jobs worldwide in the travel and tourism industry. This is according to the World Travel and Tourism Council(WTTC). The tourism industry could shrink by up 25 per cent. Many people are staying at home and not travelling. Many people cannot travel as more and more countries are taking action to fight COVID-19. This action includes closing borders, requiring people self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving in a country presents a significant treat to the industry as a whole, to those employed within it, and those wishing to continue travelling".

cut up to...   ...を削減する cut up 細かく切る、撲滅する
tourism ア リズム n)観光、観光客
council ウンセル n)協議会、協議、審議
shrink シュンク v)縮ませる、縮小する
shrink up 縮みあがる
more and more ますます
take action to...   ...するための対応策(処置)を取る

The tourism industry makes up 10 per cent of the world's GDP and jobs. It is one of the industries hardest hit by the COVID-19 virus. Airlines, cruise ships and hotels have suffered big losses. Korean Air has warned that the coronavirus could threaten its survival. Australia's Qantas has reduced its international flights by nearly 25 per cent because of the outbreak. World-famous sites are deserted. This could cause restaurants and cafes to go out of business as tourists stay away from crowded places. Tourism is a key industry in Hawaii. Experts there predict that over half of Hawaii's hotel rooms will be empty over the next few months. The WTTC said that tourism would take 10 months to recover after the virus.


Parents angry as COVID-19 shuts schools for a month

Japan and Hong Kong have closed their elementary, junior-high and high school until April. Governments say they want to protect children from the COVID-19 coronavirus. Schools in Japan will remain closed until April the 8th, which is the start of the new school year. Children in Hong Kong will return to school on April the 20th at the earliest. Parents are now worried about the school closures. Working parents have to think about how to care for younger children. Grandparents will look after many children while their parents go to work. However, many children have no grandparents or extended family who live nearby. Parents may have to pay for expensive childcare fees.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shut the country's schools after a meeting of Japan's anti-virus task force. He said the next two weeks are critical to control the spread of COVID-19. He wants to "stem the risk of many children and teachers becoming infected through gathering for long hours every day". The government said it would urge public services and private companies to make it easier for people to take time off work to look after their children at home alone for long hours." She asked: "What's the point of closing schools if parents are still commuting in packed trains in which passengers may have COVID-19?"

remainイン v)【存在し続ける】...のままでいる
extend エクスンド v)【一方向に引き伸ばす】引き伸ばす
extended エクスンディッド adj)伸びた
extended family 拡大家族(親戚を含めた家族)
shut シャットゥ v)閉じる、閉める shut-shut-shut
anti- (接頭語)反、対、非、...でない
taskスク n)<一定期間にやる>仕事、学業、職務
force フォァ-ス n)<物理的な・自然な>力・武力、戦力
task force 特定の任務を果たす為に一時的に編成される部隊
criticalティカル adj)決定的な、重大な、危険な
stem シュム v)食い止める、スキーをシュテムする
gathering ギャザリング n)集まること
urge ァージ v)【強く促す】駆り立てる、せきたてる、強く迫る

quarantine クオ(ワ)-ランティーン v)隔離する n)隔離
self-quarantine v)自主隔離する、自宅に引きこもる n)自主隔離
Students A strongly believe we should all self-quarantine for two weeks.
Students B strongly believe this is too much.

hygiene ハァイ ジーン n)衛生(状態)、きれいさ、衛生習慣
food hygiene/personal hygiene/public hygiene
good hygiene/improving hygiene
The restaurant was in breach of food hygiene regulations.
Many skin diseases can be prevented by good personal hygiene.
In the interests of hygiene, please wash your hands.
Poor dental hygiene can contribute to tooth decay.
dental デンタル adj)歯の、歯科の
contribute コンリビュート v) contribute to   ...(の一因)となる
decay ディィ n)腐敗、虫歯 v)徐々に腐敗する、虫歯になる

How dangerous could these things be?
What can we avoid COVID-19 with these things?
wearing a mask
avoid people
don't touch things
alcohol spray
don't touch your face
listen to WHO advice

March 3. 2020


Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter protests have spread around the world after the death two weeks ago of George Floyd, an unarmed and handcuffed black man. Protestors in many cities around the world marched in the streets. They held signs with the words, "Black Lives Matter" and other slogans written on them. Many people wore T-shirts with the words "I can't breathe,""No justice, no peace." and "Silence is violence". In Ottawa, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined an anti-racism demonstration. He took the knee alongside thousands of other people who silently go down on one knee. Similar protests have taken place in Australia, Mexico, South Korea, Poland, Norway and many other countries in support of equality.

Protestors told journalists why they joined the Black Lives Matter marches. A primary school teacher in London said: "I have come down in support of black people who have been ill-treated for many, many, many, many, years. It is time for change." An IT specialist said: " We are all human beings. There should be fairness for all of us." She added that Black Lives Matter doesn't mean anyone else's life doesn't. A 21-year-old Londoner stressed the need for dialogue. He said:"There are a lot of uncomfortable conversations that people have been avoiding...but, they're conversations that need to be had if... we want to finally create a kind of society where black bodies are treated equally."


What's your line of work?  line of work 職種


demanding   きつい、過酷な

Here we use demanding in the case of "requires a lot of work, attention, or time".
A doctor might have a demanding schedule.
A student could be in a demanding class.
We also talk about demanding people, and that means they require a lot from others.
They're not easily satisfied, "Her professer was very demanding", for example, "He was always pushing her to think about the topic harder, make her analysis deeper", that sort of thing.

What do you like about ...? ...の何が好きですか?

What do you like about teaching English? 


Regarding...   ...についてですが

regard リガァ-ド v)注視する n)注視 Email返信のRE:
Regarding the breakdown of products... 商品の内訳ですが...



As for...


In regard to...
With regard to...
As regards ...
In relation to...
In terms of...

日常会話 About.../Speaking of.../As for.../By the way
直接的に Sorry to interrupt, but I ... To change the subject,...


couldn't be more/...er  これ以上ないくらいに...になっています

The market couldn't be more competitive. 

The weather couldn't be warmer.

This year's sales couldn't be more profitable.

I can't afford to...  ...する(お金や時間の)余裕がない

I can't afford to work shorter hours.

I can't afford to take a vacation.

I can't afford to goof off like this.

might be a part of the new normal

It look like the number of new COVID-19 cases is slowly going down in Europe.
The state of emergency has been lifted in Japan. What is it like in your countries?
In Australia, they are easing the lockdown gradually. Shops and restaurants are reopening.
People are going back to work here, but some want to keep working remotely.
Working from home might be part of the "new normal" after this.
In the U.S., there were protests against the lockdown. They thought it wasn't necessary.
Oh, wow! Well, I read some good news that there are lots of vaccines in development.
I hope a vaccine comes out soon, so I can give you all big hugs!
 lift v)取り除く、解除/持ち上げる


appeal to ...の興味を引く、...を引きつける
The idea of living in a retirement community doesn't appeal to them.
The idea of working there really appeals to me. It's a fast growing company with many female executives.
That neighborhood doesn't appeal to me. There aren't enough shops and the express train doesn't stop at the local station.
These items appeal to children.
Living in the city center can be very appealing to young people.
The idea of becoming/working in the construction's field appealed to my sense.
Camping appeal to the inner child in all of us.
There were so may appealing choices where I should live.
I could say, Tokyoites find appealing about the small house lifestyles.
inner child 内なる子ども
retirement community/village  退職(高齢)者の向けの居住地区
executive イクキュティヴ n)重役、経営幹部  adj)重役向きの、高級な
neighborhood ネイバーフッド n)近所、近隣、近所の人々、地域

appealing adj)魅力的な、興味を引く
This is a very appealing neighborhood. Lots of family-friendly facilities and beautiful shops.
lush greenery/lushly green
lush/lushly  ッシュ adj)<直物が>青々と茂った 
greenery グリーナリー n)緑の草木
I'm originally from Tokyo, but there is a lot of greenery in my neighborhood. So It's comfortable place to live. 
rich in nature  自然が豊か
I wonder I would live in a small village rich in nature.
I like hiking. mountain is rich in nature.

home-based care service 在宅ケアサービス
home-based business=home business 自宅でできる仕事
home-based adj)自宅でやる
Care service that is primarily provided in the home. Likewise, a person could have a home-based consulting business, so they work out of their house. Or, a home-based bakery.
primarily プイマリー adv)第一に、初めは、主に、
likewise ライクワイズ adv)同じく、さらに
care worker 介護士、世話人

A father may turn his back on his child,
brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies,
husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands.
But a mother's love ensures through all.
-Washington Irving(American short story writer)

inveterate インヴェテレット adj)根深い、凝り固まった、常習的な
enemy ナミ-  複)enemies  敵、かたき
desert デザ-ト v)うち捨てる、逃げる、逃亡する adj)砂漠のような、寂しい
ensures インシュアー インショアー v)確実にする、保証する、守る
throughルー 前)adv)...を通り抜けて
quoteウトゥ v)(本・作家などから)引用する n)引用語句
unquote アン クウトゥ v)引用を終わる、かっことじ
quote unquote かっこつきの、いわゆる、あなたの言うところの

-ワシントン・アーヴィング(アメリカの短編作家, 1783-1859)

Jun 10, 2020


That's not exactly what I was thinking

That's not exactly what I was thinking.
That's not exactly the point I'm trying to make.
That's not the way I see it.

I doubt that plan will work.
It sounds interesting but I don't think we have enough budget for that.
I'm not sure whether it's possible to develop such a product.

enhance エンーンス v)質・能力などを更に高める
improve インプ-ヴ v)改善する
With the help of AI, we could enhance a level of service.

-based イスト 連結)...をベース(基)にした
We should be able to reduce paper-based documents.
document キュメント n)書類
PC-based パソコンを使った
soy-based 大豆をベースとした
soy ソーォイ  soya (英)ソ-ォィア  n)大豆=soybean しょうゆ=soy sauce

apart from, aside from, putting aside

Tia, have you talked to Mary, the new cheerleader? ...と話した?
We have to use a special phone app to communicate, though. ...なんですけどね。
Because she has a hearing disability.
Apart from that, what else do you know about her? ...は別にして
She senses the music through vibrations.
感じる 振動を通して
She has great dance skills, and she helps everyone with their move.
You've got to introduce me to her. (是非...しなくては!)私を彼女に紹介してよ。
Debbie got the job because she is better qualified than Kevin.
Apart/Aside from a dented bumper, the car had no other damage.
Apart/Aside from my British passport, I also have an Australian one.
Putting aside all our differences, let's try to find a solution to this problem.
Aside from the economy, what other topics will be discussed?
I know everyone here apart from that guy over there.
"guy" means a male person. If you use "guy" in a singular, it's always a male.
When you use it in plural from as "guys", it refers to both male and female.
Putting aside your personal feelings, who do you think should get promoted?


How are you guys?

What are your working hours?
What time do you start and finish work?
I work from 8am to 7pm every day.
And do you get a lunch break? 昼休みは? 

What time do you open/close?  At 7am/10pm.

What time are you open?  7am to 10pm.

Dentsu evacuates Tokyo HQ after receiving bomb threat

TOKYO- Japan's largest advertising agency, Dentsu Group Inc, has evacuated its Tokyo headquarters after receiving a bomb threat, an internal company email reviewed by Reuters showed on Friday.

advertising ドヴァア タイジング n)広告、広告を出すこと
evacuate イ ヴァキュエイト v)立ち退かせる、避難する
bomb バア-ム n)爆弾
threat スレット n)脅迫
internal インタ-ナル adj)内部の、建物内の、国内の、内面の
review レヴュ- v)精査する、振り返ってみる、復習する

The company is the focus of political scrutiny having received almost 70 billion yen in government funds to help run a coronavirus aid programme via a scheme that has been described as opaque.

focus フォ-カス n)(注目などの)焦点、中心 the focus of attention 注目の的
scrutiny スクーティニー n)詳細な調査、再検査
billion リオン n)10億、1兆 adj)10億の、1兆の
fund ファ-ンド n)資金 funds 財源 v)資金を提供する
run n)継続
aid n)助け、支援
programme プログラム=program【英】 n)プログラム
via ヴィア/ヴァイア 前)...経由で、...によって
scheme スキーム n)陰謀、悪だくみ
describe ディスクイブ v)描写する、詳しく述べる
opaque オ イク n)不透明なもの adj)不透明な


anti-body precondition

mortality rate=death rate 死亡者数、死亡率

Japan's low virus mortality rate reflects societal manners, Aso say.
mortality モ リティ n)死ぬ定め、大量の死
reflect リフクト v)反射する、反映する、表す
social manners=etiquette エティケット n)礼儀、作法


Bowing instead of shaking hands?
Peoples opinion is that Japan's unique social ways
instead インステード adv)その代わりに
instead of...   ...の代わりに

has something to do with...  ...と関係がある

A more plausible explanation has something to do with "prior immunity" or anti-body precondition held by some population before the arrival of covid-19.

Further inguiries will be needed while I'm opting for it.
A has something to do with B  AとBは関係がある
(somethingを省略して、A has to do with Bとも言う)
It has something to do with the weather. 天気に関係がある
My job has to do with the weather.
What's the Cold War have to do with the job market.
What's his test score have to do with his true/actual ability?
what's age have to do with social responsibility?

plausible プラ-ジブル adj)妥当な
explanation エクスプライション n)説明
prior プイア- adj)前の、先の
immunity イムミュ-ニティ n)免疫、抗体
immune イムミューン adj)免疫の、抗体の
immune system 免疫力
anti-body n)抗体、抗毒素
preconditon プレコンィション n)前提条件、必須条件
I’m having a hard time caring my frail mother.
I’m having a very hard time

I’ll never forget when I met her for the first time at...

So, Mike, I’m curious.


How the coronavirus is changing working styles in Japan

open start an activity [transitive] to start an activity, event, or set of actions
The pandemic has opened people's eyes to possibility of new working styles such as working from home, staggered work hours and even four-day workweeks could become the norm.
people's eyes 人々のものの見方 
staggerダッガー v)ふらつく、ジグザグ配置の、重ならないように調整する
staggered work hours 時差出勤
norm ノ-ァム n)基準労働量、標準

pneumonia ニュゥニア n)肺炎
comedian dies from coronavirus-caused pneumonia. コロナウイルスが原因の肺炎
the spread of the pneumonia-causing virus 肺炎を引き起こすウイルス

be keen to   とても...したい

be keen on  ...に夢中
keen adj)【英】鋭い、鋭い関心を持つ、好きな
I'm keen(=eager) to learn Japanese.
She's keen on Yoga.
I've been very keen to speak to British. 
(I was looking forward to take your lesson.)
not keen/not too keen  乗る気がしない
I don't want to go because I don't like Karaoke. 直接的
I'm not too keen on Karaoke. やんわり感がでる

lift 解除する
the nationwide state of emergency has been lifted

How're your studies?
   I'm not making any improvement. And it's hard to find time to study.
   I'm having a hard time understanding some accents.
   There are many accents throughout America. And, lots of non-native English         speakers in L.A.

Thanks for noticing.
Having a good work environment is important.
Taking breaks to refresh is also.
I'm glad you could make it. 君が都合をつけられてよかったよ。


To be prepared is half the victory

rat race 激しい出世(生存)競争

I'm never interested in the rat race.
Tired of the rat race, he quit his job and moved to ...
Welcome to the Rat Race folks-

bean counter   会計士や経理担当者(口語)

bean counter ビーィン カウンター 財務屋、経理屋
Sometimes I become/turn into a bean counter as making an estimate of cost.

deal with it  「とにかくやりなさい」と相手に促す

deal with; handle; address; take care of
He will deal with the complains from our customers.
I'll deal with the computer problems on Monday.

a growing appreciation for/of...   ...の評価の高まり

appreciation アプリシイション n)感謝の気持ち、よさを理解すること
If we demonstrate our gratitude, our indebtedness, we show our appreciation. For example, "The company gave Paul a bonus to show its appreciation for his hard work".
demonstrateモンストレイト v)明確に示す、表す
gratitude グティチュード n)感謝の念
indebtedness インディットネス n)恩義
Today there's a growing appreciation for old folk houses.

To be prepared is half the victory 準備していれば半ば勝ったも同然である

Coronavirus crisis sparks calls for revamping Japan's school year

are seizing on school closures caused by the coronavirus as a chance for reforms they say will internationalize education
The proposed shift to a September start, in line with many Western countries, has huge implications for corporate recruitment, since most firms hire en masse after students graduate in April, when the financial year also begins.
It's a golden opportunity
the change would reverberate through society
It would dramatically change people's mindset, education and recruitment and make this society... more flexible so we can survive.

spark スパーク n)火の粉 v)火をつける、スパークする
call for...  ...を求める
revamp リ ヴァンプ v)改良、改訂する
seize シィ-ズ v)急につかむ 日常◆grab) seize on <考えなどに>急に関心を持つ
they say... ...と言われる
implication インプリイション n)影響<通例-s>
en masse アン ス adv)一団となって、共に、一緒に<語源フランス>
hire イアー v)雇う
financial year 営業年度、事業年度
reverberate リヴァーバーレイト 反響する、大きな影響を与える(through)
dramatically adv)劇的に
mindset ンインドセット n)考え方

The school year starts in April in Japan. But the idea shifting to a September start is beginning to spread.

What is a remote wedding?

cite/quote from JT

many couples had to cancel or reschedule their wedding plans
the pandemic messed up the plans
the events industry was crushed
someone came up with an interesting idea
The idea is beginning to spread around Japan as people can no longer gather in a big number at the same place
no one wants people to get infected at their wedding ceremony
When going to a wedding you're supposed to have fun, not worry that you might get the virus or that you might be the one spreading it to someone else.
people gather on Zoom or any other online conference apps together with their families, guests, some special attendees, and in some cases, a priest.
In Japan, rather than a priest, a ceremony without a priest is getting more and more popular.

pandemic パンミック n)全国(世界)的流行病 adj)全国(世界)にわたる
gather ギャーザァ v)<人などが>集まる


posh ポ-シュッ adj)気取った、豪華、上流階級、高級
posh accent

That's a posh dress you're wearing. Are you going somewhere nice?

We're going to a posh restaurant tonight.

He's really posh.

<’public school' はイギリス英語では私立学校という意味>
The Prime Minister went to a posh public school.

He talks posh.


I'm not from around here. この辺りの出身ではありません。

take up 始める、着手する
I've taken up studying about the UK.

look up 調べる
I look up about the UK these days. So Can I ask you something?
What does "headstrong" mean? I'm not sure. Why don't you look it up on the Net?

What's so special about...?   ...の特徴は何ですか?
What's so special about Englishmen?
What makes Englishmen unique?
What's so special about Japanese people are that we do not shake hands and hug each other.....But... There are many perverts in packed trains. 日本人の特徴は、握手しないしハグもしないからね。。。でも痴漢はたくさんいるよ。満員電車に。
pervert ァ- ヴァー ト n)変質者、痴漢

hooked on 夢中だ
Over the past few years I've been hooked on endurance sports such as running and swimming, also hiking is my things. But all of marathon and other such events have been canceled due to COVID.

So far, the people around me like my family, friends and co-workers have not been diagnosed with the Coronavirus and are doing well.
diagnoseイグノウズ v)診断する

In the states, over 100,000 people passed away.
Shakeing hands and hugging each other cloud get infected with COVID.
Shakeing hands and hugging each other cloud make them infect with COVID.

I recall a taxi driver. He's the one gotten COVID-19 from a passenger who spit on his or her face.
And then a taxi driver passed away.
spit スッツ v)つばを吐く spit-spit(spat)-spit(spat)

English/Scottish スティッシュ/Welsh ェルシュ/Northern Irish イリッシュ
Englishman/Scotsman スッツマン/Welshman/Irishman



end/finish early 早く終わる
My kids school has just restarted/reopened today.
School ended early today.

have/get mixed feelings/emotions (about it) 複雑な心境
I have mixed feelings about whether I should put my kids into school or stay them home.
People tend to have mixed emotions when they finally do.
A combination of positive and negative feelings is mixed feelings. Such as "I have mixed feelings about this job change: anticipation and anxiety".

In west of Japan city, some students at a city-run elementary school are infected with COVID-19.



Marathon and other such events have been canceled.


あなたのcurrent situationは?

close to
Nova is close to my house.
My office and Nova are close.

What comes to mind when you hear Japanese culture?


bug spray 殺虫剤
I wish I had a medicine to kill the virus like 'not bug spray but COVID spray'.

A/The good thing about...
A/The good thing about "small" is that people could keep their house tidy.
That makes Japanese people love to be clean or rather tidy habits.
I personally think "simple living is a kind of Japanese concept".
And other such words, "refuse", "throw away" and "separate" are essential.

tidy ィディ adj)整頓された v)片付ける、整頓する(up)
(and) other such (および)その他の..
refuse        【入ってくるいらない物を断つ】
throw away 【家にある不要な物を処分する】
separate v)引き離す、離れる、見分ける【物への執着から離れる】

properly プパリー adv)適切に、ちゃんと、正当に
Some people are not doing their jobs properly.
Finding running shoes that fit properly can be tricky.
Make sure the door is properly closed.

tricky トッキー adj)難しい,扱いにくい

proper プパ- adj)適した


What's the current COVID situation in Canada?
What is the situation like in Japan?

Many major firms continue to push remote work.

be hungry/eager for
I'm hungry for the gym reopen.
eager ーガァー adj)熱意に満ちた

The store has reopened=The store is no longer closed.
open 動詞・形容詞 close 動詞  closed 形容詞(過去分詞)

I'm a gym lover/fan/a fan of (I'm a big fan of ...)
I'm a dog lover 愛犬家
I'm a dog person 猫か犬のどちらかといえば犬 のニュアンス

hold up  (部屋などに)閉じこもる/隠れる/(動物が)冬ごもりする
People are getting tired of holding up at their home.
When the weather turns bad, I like to just hold up at home and take a prefab meal out of the freezer.
Once my train line was stopped due to heavy snow, so for a couple of hours, I was holed up in a coffee shop waiting for it to start again.

prefab プーファブ(prefabricated)  adj)前もって作られた、既成の

grace グイス adj)(形や動きなどの)優美さ、優雅な
My grace period was before getting married. 

shotgun marriage/wedding できちゃった婚
Many people had a shotgun marriage.

In marriage 結婚に関して
the mind before the body 身体の前に気持ちを好みなさい
do thou be wise 人は賢く  
thou ザァウ 代名詞 youの古語
prefer the person before money お金より人を好み
virtue before beauty 美しさの前に美徳を好み
virtue ヴ-ァ チュウ- n)美徳

go and hang out 外出して遊ぶ
It's a perfect day for going and hanging out.

bucket list
Speaking English well is in my bucket list.


transform トランスフォーム v)一変させる、変容させる
transformation トランスフォ-イション n)<外観、様子の>変化
Regular exercise has transformed my body.
He transformed that company into a much more efficient operation.
This neighborhood has had quite a transformation. It's much more modern now.

big box store 量販店
As opposed to the big box store, you can access for the direct experience of shopping.
access ア-クセス v)<情報・知識などを>利用、入手する n)近づく手段、会える手段、<情報・教育等を>利用できる権利



conveyor belt sushi=sushi-go-round(merry-go-round メリーゴーランド、回転木馬)
sushi trains/sushi super high way
conveyor コンヴェィアー n)コンベア a conveyor belt ベルトコンベア

How busy are trains from A to B in rush hour in mornings?

You should buy your ticket in advance and then pick it up at the station. I've bought a ticket online at 6:00 am for a 7:30 am train, so they aren't necessarily sold out. But Amtrak is also now giving cheaper fares for earlier advance purchases, so that's another reason to buy in advance.

You pick up a ticket by putting a credit card in the ticket kiosks and punching in your reservation number. If it's the card you used to purchase the ticket, the kiosk will show you that without needed the reservation number.


Many major firms continue to push teleworking

TOKYO- Major companies such as Hitachi Ltd and NEC Corp said Tuesday they will continue to push work-from-home arrangements even though the state of emergency over the new coronavirus pandemic was called off the previous day.

arrangement アインジメント n)取り決め、協定、配列、整理
pandemic パンミック adj)全国的、世界的流行の n)全国、世界的流行病
call off=lift <約束、催し、進行中のことを>中止する、取りやめる
previous プリーヴィアス adj)前の、先の、以前の 

Hitachi said around 70 percent of its employees on average have been working from home to reduce the risk of infection and curb the spread of the virus after the state of emergency was declared in April, and it will continue promoting teleworking to ensure business continuity in case a second wave of infections occurs.

curb カ-ブ n)抑制 v)抑制する (元意:歩道の縁石⇒抑える、抑制)
promote プロウト v)[活動状態を]促進する、助長する
ensure インシュアー v)[英]<人を危険から>守る《against, from》
in case=ifより口語的
occur アカ-ア v)出来事などが起こる=◆日常的にはhappen

Hitachi said it will ask its employees to work from home in principle through the end of June, except for such cases as infrastructure inspections. It aims to have 50 percent of its employees engaged in telework on average as the epidemic subsides, Senior Vice President Hidenobu Nakahata told an online press conference.

principle プンシプル n)基本理念、原則、方針 in principle 原則として、おおむね
infrastructure ンフラ ストラクチャー n)<社会基盤、建物道路交通等>基幹施設、インフラ
inspection インスクション n)点検、精査、検査

Hello there. Regular lessons have just restarted since last week.
How did you spend during school closures.

Before taking a lesson, I just thought that classrooms had been divided by a see-through screen wall like a prison visitation room in movies.
Holding hands through the screen. that means, in reality, can not hold hands each other. Or talking on the phone despite/even though they are facing each other.

But then, I was really disappointed such a tiny plastic screens.
These are disappointing.
That lets me down. それにはがっかりさせられたよ。

divide ディヴァイド v)分ける、分割する
divided ディヴァイディッド adj)分けられた、分かれた
visitation ヴィズィイション n)訪問、見舞い


It's Lifting the state of emergency yesterday.
That's good. Good news.
The virus has been downgraded.
But stay safe.
Nonetheless, people concern that it could trigger another wave of infections.
We should brace for COVID-19.
Even though lifting the sate of emergency,
We should still take extra precautions.
That's right. Everyone stay safe.
I hope it's going to be "no need to worry about the novel coronavirus.
My swimsuit/swimwear has been dried out.
It cause my swimwear to dry out.

red meat,lean meat赤身の肉⇒low fat
lean(英)ーン adj)引き締まった、贅肉のない  v)傾く、傾ける、寄りかかる
put, install, construct, build

cause 人 to 動詞」で人に〇〇することを起こす、引き起こす、原因となる、といった意味になります。
The earthquake caused people to stock up on bottled water.
This heat is causing me to sweat a lot.
Cold temperatures cause water to freeze.
His comment caused people to be angry.


lift 上げる、撤廃・解除する
Japan lifted a nationwide state of emergency over the coronavirus today.

Some hope is in sight. 希望が見えてきた。

fall asleep unconsciously 寝落ち
after a while/after a long time  久しぶりに
I slept well last night. I fell asleep unconsciously as I was running 10 mile after a while.

spit-spit(spat)-spit(spat) ツト v)つばを吐く spit on...
I read the paper. Some people in the UK who are positive are spitting like crazy on policemen. There are 200 cases every other week. How do you read that?
There was a Taxi driver who was spit on by a positive man. Then he or she has died as coronavirus.
That makes/gives poor/a negative impression of the UK.

normal life/real life 元の生活に戻る
If we get back/return to normal life, what would you do at first?

Man to man/Face to Face 1対1のレッスン
One on one/a private lesson/an individual lesson⇔a group lesson
Man to Man⇒Person to person 姓別を問わない言い方
One-on-one English lessons

Three's a crowd, 3人は多すぎです Four's a crowd. 4人は多すぎです。

break down=details n)分析、分類、内訳  v)分析する、分類する

Could you give me the break down of products sold last week?

Cloud you break down the list for me?

Thank you for the estimate, but we need one that clearly shows the cost breakdown. 見積書ありがとう。でもコストの内訳が明確にわかるものが必要です。

in line with...   ...に沿って、...通りに、...に合わせて

The results for this quarter were in line with analysts' predictions.

Hopefully the answers are in line with your expectations.

I can book the lesson in line with my work hours.

Was it in line with your forecast?

way  adv)はるかに、あまりに

I devoted way more time and money to study English. It's been nearly forty years!


It/That will/might mean...

7a-28 Consequences with Ryan
It/That will/might mean...

I charged a customer the wrong price.
That will/might mean I get into trouble.
If I tell the boss will/might mean I get fired.
 charge チャ-ァジ v)代金を課す、請求する
 wrong ゥロ-ングadj)誤った
 fire ファイアー v)火にかける、解雇する(クビにする) n)火
 consequence ンセクエンス n)結果、結論
The wrong amount was charged to my credit card.
   amount アウント n)量、額、金額

Speaking of beer, my thing is an exercise, so I packed beer away in the garage.

Entertainment Author Murakami hosts 'Stay Home' radio show to lift spirits
TOKYO= Acclaimed Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami, hosting a special radio show from home, painted a brighter side of the world with his favorite music, and said the fight against the coronavirus is a challenge in figuring out ways to help and care for each other.

to be/get fired クビになる
to be let go (残念ながら)解雇される
to be/get laid off (会社が赤字になる時たくさんの社員がやむを得ず)解雇される
 lay-laid-laid v)置く、(人を)...の状態にする
to be made redundant
   redundant リンダント adj)余分の、(英)余剰人員の

Chinese horoscopes

Most people are aware of their astrological signs, and know the characteristics associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac.

I think many people take no care of their time.
Many people think working overtime is a good thing.
Many people think they are contributing to their company by working overtime.

Some hope is in sight! 希望が見えてきた。
Abe is going to lift state of emergency on Monday.


I wonder why they do that

Hey, Have you ever heard of the cheese-rolling festival in England?
  Cheese rolling? What's that?
Well, they roll a big, round piece of cheese down a really steep hill, and then lots of people chase after it.
  You're kidding. Do you know why they roll the cheese?
I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with farming.
at Cooper's Hill, near Gloucester in England

Tomorrow is another day
The other day I purchased a textbook, this one, as lending for free has been canceled. 
I wonder why I devoted a lot of money and time for studying English.

Which one do you think is better, video call lesson or in person(face-to-face)?

Has anything in your lifestyle changed since COVID-19 outbreak?
As for me, tokunikawaranai except my young children

It's overcast all this week. I haven't made much progress on work.



see-through plastic screens/divides
screen スクリ-ン n)ついたて、仕切り、屏風、スクリーン
divide ディヴァイド v)分ける n)分割

7a-50 Wahab
It's time for us to ...

head off
be off
get going
hit the road

Head to/for=go to
I'm heading to the beach.
 head up to 北の方角へ向かう
 head down to 南の方角へ向かう
 head out 出発する
 head back 帰る
I'm heading to the grocery store. Do you need anything?
I'm heading up to San Francisco this weekend.
I'm heading down to San Diego tonight.
What time are you heading out tomorrow?
We have to head back in one hour.  一時間後に帰らないといけません。
The train is heading to Tokyo.
I'm finally heading back to Japan.
I'm heading out to France for a trip.
Where are you headed/heading (to)? どこに行くの?

Off to...  ...へ行ってくる、出かける=going to...
I'm off to work. これから仕事へ行ってきます。
 Go be lazy! Enjoy your free time! = Don't work too hard!
I'm off to bed.   もう寝ます。
I’m off to New York.
Where are you off to? どこへ行くの?
I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm off to bed.

Ongoing 継続や進行を意味する
It's an ongoing problem. 今でも続いている問題。



I could be wrong. 私は間違っているかもしれない。
 couldは過去形ではなく 推量のcould=現在の事を話している
I could have been wrong.   私は間違っていたかもしれない。

I could go to Japan if I had a holiday.
 couldは過去形ではなく 推量のcould=現在の事を話している
I could have gone to Japan if I had had a holiday.


If I had more money, I could travel to the United States.
If I had had more money, I could have traveled to the United States.
3.願望 wish/if only
I wish I could speak English.
If only I could speak English.


Let's go out for a drink this week sometime!
   Sorry. My schedule is packed this week. How about next week?
sometime 過去)ある時、以前 未来)いつか、そのうち、後日


environmentally conscious

consist of   ...で構成される
Be composed of. Things like "This survey consists of 15 questions".
Or, "Her morning routine consists of breakfast, stretching and reading the paper".

return from   ...からの返品、...から返されたもの
Here return is a noun, meaning an item that has been returned to its place of purchase. Stores sometimes have a sign up saying, "no refunds, no returns". So, they're warning their customers", Once you buy something, that's it. You can't bring it back and you can't get your money back". You could also ask a retailer, " What's your return policy?" and they might say something like, "Ah, we accept returns within 30 days and you need to bring your receipt".
no refunds, no returns 返金はいたしません。返品も受け付けません。
All sales are final お買い上げいただいたものは返品、返金できません。
We always quarrel over differences in opinion surrounding our young children.
visit someone in the hospital
Tap or bottled?
Tap beer 生ビール
bottled beer 瓶ビール


only to/never to

I got to the check-in counter only to find out that French citizens need a visa.
only to learn/discover/realize/find out
She got the job of her dreams, only to quit one month later!
He left home never to return. 彼は家を出たきり、二度と戻ることはなかった。
I went all the way to the theater only to learn that the show had been canceled.
all the way はるばる遠いところ
The painting was stolen, never to be seen again.
「見つかる」を「見られる」be seen で表現した例。

You've learned a lesson for future trips.  教訓になったね、今後の旅には。
learn a lesson 教訓を獲る、学ぶ
I didn't even make it there
そこへ(there)make itできなかった。辿り着けなかった。
even adv)...さえ  辿り着くことさえできなかった。

What happened? 何があったの?
You're kidding. 冗談でしょう。

He grew up to be a famous singer. 彼は成長して有名な歌手になった。